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M A N Y   H A P P Y   R E - T U R N S

Una Storia Esemplare














A FATHER and a DAUGHTER. The pitiful chronicle of a fatherly love from joyful moments to interrupted hugs.

The inexorable story of a fathers’s pain and hope who witnesses his daughter disappear with the flow of time. A subtraction impossible to imagine but nevertheless accomplished.

The heartbreaking story of the chase to the conceived baby and then slowly lost. A 20-YEAR LONG STORY, the indomitable search for contacts in order to continue raising and loving her.

Pieces of evidence sorted by date recalling painful moments of presence which become just MEMORIES little by little.

Year after year, this  is the story of a wait filled with the meticulous RECONSTRUCTION of her ABSENCE.

CHRONOLOGICAL memories of a separation; events happen, the daughter disappears, held back by overwhelming forces. Then, only a father alone, never tamed but forced to surrender.

The words of the DIARY explain the journey, supporting increasingly empty snapshots, love becomes only postal gestures and never-given gifts.

A collection of intimate emotions, of SIGNS that can lead to her who is not by his side, to that blonde daughter stolen from the gaze of her father. SYSTEMATIC TRACES of interrupted existences: slips of paper, symbolic objects and jewelry, contact sheets, postcards, puppets and necklaces, metaphors of a world of love that has never ceased to exist. In spite of everything.
